I am a

Software Engineer 

UX Design ✳︎ Frontend Development ✳︎ API Development ✳︎ Backend Development ✳︎ Database Design ✳︎ DevOps ✳︎ Cloud Computing ✳︎ Aplication Architecture UX Design ✳︎ Frontend Development ✳︎ API Development ✳︎ Backend Development ✳︎ Database Design ✳︎ DevOps ✳︎ Cloud Computing ✳︎ Aplication Architecture UX Design ✳︎ Frontend Development ✳︎ API Development ✳︎ Backend Development ✳︎ Database Design ✳︎ DevOps ✳︎ Cloud Computing ✳︎ Aplication Architecture UX Design ✳︎ Frontend Development ✳︎ API Development ✳︎ Backend Development ✳︎ Database Design ✳︎ DevOps ✳︎ Cloud Computing ✳︎ Aplication Architecture

My name is

Payam Dowlatyari

I am a software engineer, web application developer, solutions architect, and UX designer. I studied Software Engineering at UC Irvine and graduated in 2020. I have been working in the tech industry as a full-stack web application developer and web application AI developer since 2019. I am a hobbyist photographer and blogger interested in art, philosophy, and social sciences.


These are the services I can provide for you as a software engineer, web developer, solutions architect, and UX designer including the technologies I have worked with in recent years.

UX Design

Well-designed User Interfaces can make a real difference. I conduct user research and follow the Design Thinking principles to create user-friendly interfaces.

Frontend Development

Websites and web applications must function well when they are interacting with the user. I use frontend technologies such as React, Next.js, and TypeScript to implement that.

API Development

I design, develop, and maintain RESTful APIs. I utilize Node.js, Express.js, AWS API Gateway, and Lambda to implement them. I also use OpenAPI and Swagger to document APIs.

Backend Development

Any request from the user on the web browser is processed on the server side to provide a response. Any response requires data. I develop applications for the interaction between user and data.

Database Design

Data is the most valuable asset these days and users need to have access to data in every interaction with the application in real time. I design relational and non-relational database suitable for the application.

Cloud Services

I use AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure to deploy and maintain applications. I also design cloud infrastructure based on the requirements of the application.


As a software engineer, DevOps is essential for the success of any project. I employ tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins to deploy and maintain applications.

Software Security

Every data transaction involves some risks. As data is valuable, I eliminate those risks using authentication, data protection, secure data transfer protocols and encryption methods.

Software Testing

I test software to ensure that it works as expected. I use Jest, React Testing Library, and Cypress to test web applications for unit, integration, and e2e testing.

Application Architecture

Full stack applications are complex, especially when they are deployed on the cloud services. I find the right solution and architecture to develop scalable and maintainable applications.

Software Maintenance

Like computer hardware, software products need to be maintained, debugged, and updated. Once the product is luanched, the maintenance is essential for the success of the product.

Software Documentation

In the process of software development, it is necessary to document the project. I write documentation for the project for future reference and maintenance, and use tools such as JSDoc and Markdown.
